domingo, maio 11, 2008

I'm sure I've said this somewhere along the way already, but living in Salvador is a little like living in a giant college town. People drink and drive all over the place, there is a constant party atmosphere, and even in the middle of a family residential area, there may be a party that lasts until the sunrise with no apparent regard for others sleeping or consideration for the general population outside the house where the party happens.

Last night, or rather, this morning, there was a small party (like of 6 or 8 people) at a house across the street here. Not only was it loud and took place mostly on the upper veranda area so the sound carried over the entire neighborhood, but at about 4 AM they decided to step it up a bit and turned up some Justin Timberlake full blast and scream at each other over it as one guy danced drunkly. This neighborhood is completely silent at night for the most part - we don't even have much traffic noise and the bars on the corner are not loud or rowdy, so this sudden burst of song was enough to get me out of bed and glaring at the partiers across the street. And I know they can see directly into my bedroom, as they can see everyone's in our condo. I'm almost positive that they woke up at least half of the residents this morning. It makes me want to light bottle rockets aimed at them to scare the crap out of them. Or get my stereo going full blast and point it at their veranda now, to blast them out of bed with their hang overs. But of course, I am more considerate than that. And I only want to annoy them, not my neighbors.

Happy Mother's Day!

3 comentários:

markuza disse...

Funny, I know exactly what you're talking about... sometimes I feel like I'm living in a big dormitory.

I'm curious- why bottle rockets? I think a good old fashioned bazooka would do the trick...

Leo disse...

Oooo...oooo! I vote wiffle bats!!!!

AkuTyger disse...

Bottle rockets are the only fireworks I have on hand at home, Left over from São João. My aim isn't that good though. I would like to menevolently get back at them but not have them know it was me.