sábado, maio 23, 2009

Sometimes in the afternoons, Ju and I will do sort of research projects to figure out how things work, mostly focusing on science. We spent some days looking at videos of tornadoes and hurricanes and discussing them because of the recent weather patterns.

He has always be very fascinated by the elevators in the mall, watching them go up and down, so we made our own elevator on the stairs one day to learn about pulleys. It was a good time for Ju and for Duse who thought that we had hung string that moved just for him to play with.

Ju got annoyed several times as Duse would quickly knock our string off the pulley with his constant pawing, but I think all in all the activity was a success.

5 comentários:

Nadja Kari disse...

That's soooo cute !!!I loooved the picture of the paw, tryin to reach the string... hahahaha

bye bye, have a nice week !

pamela disse...

that is genius!

Karina disse...

I loved it! So creative!

Brun disse...

I miss your posts, where are you??

Cacaucoast disse...

/Users/margaretdarr/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Originals/2008/May 21, 2008_4/IMG_0197.JPG I don't know if the photo will show up, because I'm fairly illiterate with this stuff, but here's another US cat that loves Bahia and things all things are her playthings.